
I am a Japanese living in Mie prefecture. I work in a supermarket. You will often find information about Japan from anime and manga. However, in reality, it is slightly different. I want to convey the true Japanese culture and lifestyle.

Sashimi is a method of eating fresh fish beautifully and delicious

I can recall someone told me decades ago with a subtle tone of creepiness ‘I heard Japanese eat fish raw? Then I clarified by saying Yes, but they are neatly cut and arranged on a dish plate – not catch and eat. Now many people know how the raw fishes are eaten in Japanese style it’s a decent seafood preparation called ‘Sashimi’, widely appreciated anywhere in the world. Actually, ‘Sushi’ is a rice dish on which ‘Sashimi’ is placed Since Sashimi is eaten raw, the ingredient has to be exceptionally fresh. You know things in an afterlife can rapidly degrade ...

Soroban:The more you use the soroban, the faster your calculathing skil becomes

Abacus might have been quite replaced by a calculator by now. But actually, as far as the speed and preciseness are concerned, the abacus would quite surpass the calculator if it is operated by an experienced user.   Soroban Japanese abacus, called ‘Soroban’ is made to be just simple; a number of rods lined in a rectangle frame. Each rod has 1 bead and 4 beads that are divided by a bar in between. A bead placed above the bar represents a number of five (5) and the each of 4 beads under the bar means a number of one ...

Ohagi: The Best Partner Of Green Tea

Japanese traditional sweets are often related and tied to the specific customs or holidays. ‘Ohagi’ is the one for the event called ‘Higan’ which is celebrated upon the spring and autumn equinox. Ohagi is otherwise called ‘Botamochi’ in some regions. Some people say that the one made in spring time is called Botamochi and the one made in autumn shall be called Ohagi, though both are actually identical. It is said that the distinction of the names came from the names of flowers characterise each season. It’s made from sticky rice which is half-way pounded after steamed. Then the rice ...

Tonkatsu: Crispy texture and source matching is perfect

While more and more Japanese menus are being explored abroad, ‘Tonkatsu’ also has been widely recognised by now. ‘Ton’ stands for pork and ‘Katsu’ is the translation and abbreviation of cutlet.   The choice is either fillet or loin The major preparation is like this: a steak of meat is dredged in wheat flour then dipped into beaten eggs followed by pressing into ‘Panko’ bread crumbs to coat all over. Deep-fry until golden brown. Freshly fried Tonkatsu of crispy covering and succulent meat is to die for!   It’s typically accompanied with a heap of shredded cabbage and a wedge ...

Taiyaki is a Traditional Japanese Ssweet

There are a lot of sweets that used "Anko" ( sweet bean paste) in Japan. Among them, Taiyaki has been popular since long ago. In one theory, it seems that the Naniwaya sohonten in Tokyo invented it in the Meiji era. Taiyaki is a fish-shaped sweet. There are a lot of "Anko" in a little sweet dough. In the past it seems that a controversy has occurred as to whether or not to put "Anko" into the tail. And in relation to the above, it seems to have been discussed whether to eat from the head or eat from the ...