
Amazake: The Traditional Japanese Superfood – Health Benefits, How to Make It, and Where to Buy in the U.S.

Amazake (pronounced ah-mah-zah-keh) is a traditional Japanese fermented drink that has been enjoyed for centuries. True to its name, which means "sweet sake," Amazake is known for its naturally sweet flavor. Unlike other sweet beverages, Amazake's sweetness comes not from added sugars but from the natural fermentation process, making it a wholesome choice for health-conscious individuals. There are two main types of Amazake: one made from rice koji and another made from sake lees.

Rice Koji Amazake is made by fermenting rice with rice koji, resulting in a naturally sweet and nutrient-rich drink. On the other hand, Sake Lees Amazake is made using the lees left over from sake production and contains a small amount of alcohol, making it a popular warm beverage during the cold winter months.

Amazake has a long and storied history in Japan, dating back to the Nara period (710-794 AD). During this time, it was a prized drink among the nobility and monks, often consumed as a stamina booster, especially during the hot summer months. By the Edo period, Amazake had spread to the common people, and street vendors selling Amazake became a common sight. Throughout the centuries, Amazake has been closely tied to the rhythms of Japanese life and the changing of the seasons.

In modern times, Amazake has been rediscovered as a "drinkable IV" due to its health benefits. Its popularity has surged, particularly among those who are conscious of their beauty and health, leading to its widespread availability in convenience stores and supermarkets across Japan. Amazake has evolved from a traditional beverage to a drink that seamlessly fits into the contemporary lifestyle, offering both historical charm and modern-day appeal.


The Health Benefits of Amazake: A Superfood in the Making

Amazake has earned its place as a "superfood" due to its rich nutritional profile. Rice Koji Amazake is packed with B vitamins, amino acids, dietary fiber, and enzymes that support energy production and help in recovery from fatigue. Sake Lees Amazake, on the other hand, is rich in protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and minerals, making it particularly beneficial for skin hydration and overall skin health.

Another major advantage of Amazake is its ability to aid digestion. The enzymes present in Amazake help with digestion and support gut health by balancing the digestive system. Amazake also acts as a prebiotic, promoting a healthy gut microbiome and boosting the immune system. During the cold and flu season, incorporating Amazake into your diet can be a natural way to support your health and wellbeing.

In the U.S., with the growing interest in natural and fermented foods, Amazake is gaining attention. Low in calories yet high in nutrients, Amazake is becoming recognized as a superfood that benefits both beauty and health.


How to Make and Enjoy Amazake at Home

Amazake is a drink that can easily be made at home. Rice Koji Amazake, in particular, allows you to experience the full richness of fermentation, and by making it yourself, you can adjust the sweetness and thickness to your liking. Here's a basic recipe for making Rice Koji Amazake:

  1. Wash rice and cook it into a porridge using a rice cooker.
  2. Let the porridge cool to around 60°C (140°F), then add rice koji.
  3. Maintain this temperature for 6 to 8 hours to allow fermentation. As it ferments, the sweetness will naturally increase.
  4. Once fermentation is complete, store the Amazake in the refrigerator and warm it up before drinking.

Making Sake Lees Amazake is also simple. Combine sake lees, water, and sugar in a pot and heat until dissolved. Adding a bit of ginger can enhance its warming effect, making it an ideal drink for winter.

Amazake can be enjoyed in various ways beyond just drinking it. For example, blend it with fruits to make smoothies, use it as an ingredient in desserts, or add it as a secret ingredient in cooking to enhance umami and elevate the overall flavor of dishes.


Where to Buy Amazake in the U.S.

There are several ways to purchase Amazake in the United States. One option is to visit your local Asian market, where you can often find Amazake imported from Japan. Rice Koji Amazake is typically found in the refrigerated section, making it easy to locate.

Online shopping is another convenient method. Platforms like Amazon and specialty Japanese food online stores offer a wide variety of Amazake brands. By reading product reviews, you can find the type of Amazake that suits your taste. Additionally, more locally-produced Amazake brands are emerging, offering fresh and high-quality options.

Commercial Amazake is available in both ready-to-drink (straight) and concentrated forms. The straight type is convenient as you can drink it as is, while the concentrated type allows you to dilute it to your preferred consistency, offering good value for money. For those trying Amazake for the first time, the straight type is recommended.


Incorporating Amazake into Your Daily Life

Given its health benefits, Amazake is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. For example, including Amazake in your breakfast can provide a nutritious start to your day. It can also serve as a satisfying snack that helps prevent blood sugar spikes.

Healthy recipes using Amazake can expand your culinary repertoire and be enjoyed by the whole family. You can drizzle Amazake over yogurt or oatmeal, mix it into pancake batter, or use it to add natural sweetness and nutrition. Amazake-based dressings or marinades can bring a new flavor dimension to salads or meat dishes.

Integrating Amazake into your daily life can also provide moments of relaxation. Warm Amazake, in particular, is perfect for unwinding at the end of a busy day. Savoring Amazake in the evening can help you enjoy a peaceful and soothing experience.



Amazake is a traditional Japanese fermented drink with numerous health benefits and versatile ways to enjoy it, making it a perfect fit for modern lifestyles. Both Rice Koji Amazake and Sake Lees Amazake offer unique charms, combining natural sweetness with high nutritional value. In the U.S., Amazake is gaining popularity among health-conscious individuals, whether made at home or purchased from stores.

Amazake is easy to incorporate into daily meals, whether as a breakfast supplement, a snack, or a cooking ingredient. It supports both physical and mental well-being, offering relaxation and health benefits in one delicious package. For busy modern individuals, Amazake is a healthy, tasty, and convenient drink worth adding to your routine.


  • この記事を書いた人


I am a Japanese living in Mie prefecture. I work in a supermarket. You will often find information about Japan from anime and manga. However, in reality, it is slightly different. I want to convey the true Japanese culture and lifestyle.
